
Autosexuality: How Skin Care Enhances My Self-Attraction

By Ghia Vitale


People often ask me how they can get in touch with themselves in an autosexual way and explore their self-attraction further. Skin care is a great avenue for exploring self-attraction. That’s when collagen comes out to play.


For those of you who don’t know yet: Autosexuality is being sexually attracted to yourself. Autoromanticism is being romantically attracted to yourself. Autosexuality and autoromanticism are both forms of self-love, except they are much more scrutinized and discouraged than other forms of self-love are. In fact, self-attraction remains highly stigmatized all over the world.

I’m Ghia Vitale. I’m the senior editor at Quail Bell Magazine, a place for real and unreal stories. It’s also the place where I started writing about autosexuality. Since then, I’ve been mentioned in Metro, Pink News, VICE, Elle, and other popular publications for my advocacy related to autosexuality and autoromanticism.


Society has always had a “thing” against people loving themselves. However, society REALLY hates it when women and non-binary people love ourselves. They brand us as narcissists for expressing love and appreciation for ourselves, even in healthy ways that don’t cause harm to anyone. Autosexuality is an example of a form of self-love that society severely stigmatizes. Nonetheless, there’s still a significant stigma around simply putting our own needs first.

Plus, the incessant body-shaming we deal with every day make it hard to love yourself. Regardless of whether we receive these body-shaming messages through the media or the people we interact with, there is always some reminder of how we don’t measure up to societal standards.


Skin care is one of the few forms of self-love and self-care that society actually approves of. Having a solid skincare routine in place helps you boost your self-esteem, cherish your time with yourself, and expand upon your sense of self-love. Skin care is where self-love meets self-care, and your skin thrives there.

1. Skin care makes your skin look and feel good, which makes you feel more self-attracted and self-confident.


Autosexualy involves being sexually attracted to yourself and drawn to your own image/appearance. It’s easier to feel all of the self-attraction feels when your skin is in good condition. Each person has their own “personal best” as far as their skin is concerned. It’s a matter of finding the right skincare products that work best for you and using them properly.


Compared to other healthy habits, skin care is a more instant form of gratification. I remember when I started seeing noticeable changes in my skin a little over a week after I started using facial moisturizer. However, the big changes came about when I switched over to a collagen facial moisturizer this past winter. I noticed that not only did my skin look plump and youthful, but it held onto moisture much better in the cold weather than it previously did. As a result, my facial skin appeared younger and healthier than I had seen it in years! Having healthy skin made me notice my face more and feel more attracted to myself face-wise. Still, I often notice myself looking in the mirror and admiring my skin. I especially love it when I’ve been consistent with my skincare routine for a while and have a nice glow going on. It also boosts my self-confidence to have skin that looks and feels good, especially when I take selfies or meet new people.


If you’re thinking about getting on board with a skincare routine, please know that your efforts will pay off in better skin health, an improved appearance, and increased self-confidence. It’s easier to enjoy your own attractiveness when your skin looks and feels good.


2. Skin care makes your skin feel more touchable, soft, and moisturized


After I started using collagen skincare products, my skin felt so much softer to the touch than it did before. This is partly because my skin was now able to hold onto more moisture. Nonetheless, it’s also because I started benefitting from the improved elasticity that collagen provides. I’ve found that once you get into a skincare groove that works for you, your skin feels more fun to touch, largely due to the fact that it’s moisturized.


In the beginning, I had to remind myself to stop touching my face because of how soft it became. My face-touching habit has decreased in frequency, but it’s still a thing I catch myself doing. I admit that just this morning, I just had to remind myself not to touch my face because I find its softness to be irresistible. Also, I constantly find myself running my hands along my thighs, relishing the delicate smoothness of my skin. I also notice myself running my hands along my arms, enjoying their increased softness. I can’t help but appreciate how much more touchable my skin has become throughout my skincare journey. Others have also noticed that my skin has gotten much softer and more touchable, further confirming my observations.


3. Skin care lets you explore your skin and, as a result, your whole body.


I’ve always known that I liked lotioning up my body. When I got serious about skin care, though, I really noticed how much I love the feeling of lotioning myself up from head to toe. After every shower, I rub an anti-aging moisturizer all over my body. This simple act has gotten me more in touch with my body than any other act has in years.


Moisturizing my body all over gives me the opportunity to explore and caress every inch, fold, dimple, and curve my body has to offer. I find myself getting “turned on” during my post-shower skincare routine because there’s so much of a focus on my body. I’m also nude when I do it, and in terms of self-attraction, that’s hot.


If you’re someone who’s not comfortable naked, moisturizing your body with lotion helps you practice feeling comfortable while naked, something that many people struggle with.


Your skincare routine lets you pamper yourself every day. Think of it as a double dose of self-love and self-care. If you’re thinking about exploring your own autosexuality, consider taking up a skincare routine to start and experiment with. It’ll strengthen your connection to your body.


Check out Bridge the World Connection’s premium skincare line—their skincare products are super innovative, high quality, and based on recent research.


For more information about Ghia Vitale, follow her on Instagram.


3 Ways Collagen Benefits Your Skin


Collagen makes a world of difference in anti-aging skin care. People often don’t realize it, but our skin health is an important part of our overall health, especially as we age. Thus, it’s important to care for our skin accordingly by having the right skincare routine in place. That’s when collagen comes out to play.


The American Academy of Dermatologists recommends that everyone establish a solid anti-aging skincare routine in their 40s and 50s. This includes using a moisturizer that’s specifically formulated to be/labeled as anti-aging and sunscreen. (For the record: The AAD also recommends that all adults use moisturizer and sunscreen every day. If you don’t do that already, now would be a good time to start!) Collagen is a cornerstone ingredient in many anti-aging skincare products for multiple good reasons.


Here are 3 crucial skin benefits of collagen everyone should know about:

1. Collagen Structurally Supports Aging Skin.


Why collagen is such a popular ingredient in anti-aging skincare products? It’s because collagen is a protein that literally supports our skin as we age. In fact, collagen is the most abundant protein in the body, and it plays a critical role in skin elasticity and overall health. As we age, the collagen content in our skin and bodies depletes. Collagen is the protein that’s responsible for keeping skin plump and firm by physically supporting the dermis (the second layer of your skin) in structure form. As you age, the collagen and elastin fibers that keep your skin looking young break down, stiffen, thicken, clump together, and lose elasticity, which weakens that structure. In turn, this results in wrinkles and aging lines appearing on your face and body. On top of this, your body’s ability to produce collagen also decreases with age.


Fortunately, it’s possible to compensate for your body’s diminished collagen production by supplying it yourself! Collagen-containing skincare products help you make up for your lost collagen content. Many people have experienced success with using anti-aging skincare products that contain collagen. Using anti-aging skincare products with collagen in them has the potential to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and signs of aging by replenishing your collagen content, thereby supporting your skin better.

2. Collagen Moisturizes Your Skin.


Collagen has hydrating properties of its own. This is because collagen molecules are big and capable of holding onto water, which results in more moisturizing goodness when you apply collagen topically.


Many nay-sayers of collagen say that its molecules are too big to penetrate the epidermis (the outermost layer of the skin). However, the size of collagen molecules isn’t a concern when collagen benefits your skin by default. Collagen also plumps, hydrates, and brightens your skin. This is part of what helps collagen “fill in” wrinkles and fine lines. Having hydrated, plump skin also prevents the formation of new wrinkles and fine lines. Many anti-aging moisturizers contain collagen for this reason.


Bridge the World Connection is selling a brand new collagen moisturizer that’s unlike any other skincare product you’ve ever encountered. As part of our skin care line, we are releasing Bridge™ Gold & Collagen anti-aging facial cream, a moisturizer that contains both collagen and gold. It’s a double whammy in a single package: The collagen moisturizes your skin while the gold further supports collagen production, protects against free radicals, and soothes redness. Through this product, Bridge the World Connection is setting the standard for collagen and gold anti-aging skin care.


Speaking of redness:

3. Collagen Softens Skin and Reduces Redness


If you’ve ever wanted baby soft skin, use a collagen cream for your face. Collagen face cream is ideal for dry and damaged skin. Through its moisturizing properties, collagen softens the skin and reduces redness. By using collagen cream, your skin will feel softer, more hydrated, and irresistibly soft to the touch. Collagen cream is especially helpful for dealing with dry patches of skin for this reason.


Collagen’s moisturizing properties also work to soothe inflammation and redness. After all, dry skin is more likely to become inflamed, and collagen nourishes your skin with its abundance of water and protein. Having super soft, calm skin will give you the healthy glow you’ve always dreamed of. It also makes your skin look and feel younger than ever.


Once you understand the multiple skin benefits of collagen, it’s easy to see why collagen creams are all the rage. Aging gracefully will always be “in.” Therefore, collagen will always have a place in our skincare routines and our hearts.


Check out Bridge the World Connection’s skin care line for yourself. You deserve to feel comfortable in your own skin.